Change log Version 1.1.x
This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for Joomla Multi Sites version 1.1.x

Version 1.1.4: Fix a problem when creating a slave site based on the master website
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A bug was identified when trying to create a slave site based on the master DB website.
In this case the creation of the slave site failed due to an error in processing the specific template site 'master DB".

This version solve this issue and know you can create a slave based on the master DB.
We remember you that when you create a slave based on the master website, this also give the JMS menu administration available to the slave site.

Also fix a problem when replicating the special image and media folder on Windows platform.
On this Windows platform, the Symbolic Link can not be created and one of the fix implemented in JMS 1.1.3 generate an error message on Window.
This new JMS version, now ignore the error.

Version 1.1.3: Add sanitisation of some fields and fix slave site update
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Joomla Multi Sites perform few checks on the parameters gives and for some fields we have increased the check to avoid special characters that could results in error during the creation of a slave sites.
  • Replace getString by getCmd when reading the site ID to avoid special characters and the spaces.
    Some customer are using spaces in the name of a site id.
  • Cleanup also the site_prefix and site_alias to replace getString by getCmd for the same reason than the "id".
  • Fix also jms2winfactory to only use alphanumeric part of a site ID when computing the internal configuration class name.
    This avoid error when a site ID contain a dot (.) or a minus (-).

When creating a slave sites, some conditions may produce an error and no message was present.
We have added the message for those conditions.

  • Add more repoirting message errors during the site deployment. Save

When updating a websites, Joomla Multi Sites save it and also try to re-create the Symbolic Links attached to the slave site.
In this case, the deployment may fail when the links already exists.

  • Ignore error when updating a website and Symbolic Links are identical.
    This avoid to report error when a user update a website without updating the Symbolic Links.
    During the creating of a Symbolic Link, if it already exists with the same path, ignore the error.

In some specific scenario, it may happen that image and media folder was not present a slave site specific deployed directory.

  • Add checking when creating Symbolic Links to verify when it already exists, it they correspond to the same path.
    In this case, does not report an error when creating an Symbolic Links that already exists with the same parameters.
    Also add some error message in case of DeploySite failure.
    Add a control that Image and Media folder exists during the "special copy".
    When a slave sites is created with a deployment directory and NO DB, in this case, the image and media folder are not copied because the "to db" parameters can not be written.
    In this case, the special copy will create a Symbolic Link on the master directory.
Mise à jour le Vendredi, 05 Décembre 2008 10:44
Version 1.1.2 : Fix replication problem on some platform and a delete all table when table prefix = '_'
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  • On some system, the creation of a slave site based on a template can fail due to a duplication of the "From DB" configuratoin in "To DB" configuration that may not work.
    On some system, the "From DB" config and "To DB" config are identical and the copy may not work.
    The fix consists in a clone the "From DB" configuration to create the "To DB" configuration.
    With the clone, the "From DB" and "To DB" configuration don't share the same memory.
    When the fix is not present, the symptom is an error
    [Unable to retreive in the "From" Global Configuration the media folder path or it is empty]
  • Fix the "Toolips Keyword" to show the {site_id} keyword and remove the duplicate {user_id}
  • Fix the usage of {site_id} keyword;
  • When editing a site, fix the template combo box refresh for Unix platform.
    A mispealled field ID cause the refresh failled.
  • Include the "Patch Definition 1.1.2" with DOCMan configuration
  • Fix bug in Delete Site when the table prefix is "_".
    MySQL use "_" as a single wildcard character when it is not escaped.
    Now convert all "_" into "\_" to be interpreted as a character and not as a wildcard character.
    The result is that when the "_" table prefix is used, this may delete all the tables of the database.
  • Add Manage Site filtering on the Owner 
Mise à jour le Samedi, 29 Novembre 2008 19:20
Version 1.1.1 : Add Symbolic Link verification and fix FTP Layer directory path
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  • On secure environment, the FTP Layer may be required to install Joomla.
    When using this Joomla feature to install a slave site, the FTP Layer require a path "/multisites/xxx" where xxx is the site ID to install.
  • For Unix platform, verify that Symbolic Links are available.
    On some very secured environement that require using FTP Layer, it is probable that Symbolic Links are forbidden.
    For this reason, we have added checks on Symbolic Link when deploying as slave site.
    We also added a similar check on template folder replication when Symbolic Links usage fail. In this case we have replaced the symbolic links by a copy. If both fail, report an error to the user.
  • Fix some cosmetic errors and some language entry missing.
Mise à jour le Samedi, 29 Novembre 2008 19:09
Version 1.1.0 : Add replication and full URL analysis
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  • Add possibility to use a complete URL in the definition of a slave site.
    For Unix platform:
    • It is possible to use sub-directories and a deploy the slave site into another directory than the master website.
    • It is possible to defined symbolic links or cut link to have a specific directory for a slave site.
  • Possibility to define multiple slave site template in aim to replicate them for a new slave site
    When Unix, the content of the front-end template directory is duplicated by the creation of symbolic links.
  • Possibity to replicate a Database prefix into another prefix (Require mySQL 4.1.x or higher).
    For the moment, only in the SAME database.
  • Add Website template definition and add possibility to create slave website from the front-end based on website templates. Also contain a "Billable" front-end website payment facility.
  • Remove the test on 'jos_' table prefix for Joomla >= 1.5.3.
    It seems it is solved or the bug was present in the "installation" directory and as we deliver the Joomla 1.5.8 iinstallation directory, the issue seems to be closed.
Mise à jour le Samedi, 29 Novembre 2008 19:09
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