Version 1.2.6: Fix single sign-in for sub-domain and add plenty new extensions |
- Add a basic "cookie domain" computation to allow single sign-in on a subdomain.
- Fix display of the "sharing" tabs when creating a new JMS templates.
It uses now the "master DB" setting to detect if the MySQL views are supported.
- Remove the language translation using the "sitename" to avoid fatal error in language file line 171.
When a "::" is present in a sitename, this crash the language JText:_() function that interpret the "::" as a class separator.
- Improve installation of fresh slave site when the hosting server does not follow correctly the symbolic links. Now create an installation directory in which symbolic links are created.
- Add possibility to directly copy the templates folders and also the possbility to create a templates folders based on unzip file.
- Also binded with JMS patches definition v1.2.9 and v1.2.10
Add (install) definitions for : - FAQ2Win, Seminar for joomla!, ARTIO JoomSEF, SMF 2.x Bridge, Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare, JCE MediaObject, JomComment, Mini Front End module, MyBlog, Remository Latest Entry module, Phoca Gallery, Poll XT, Vinaora Vistors Counter
Add sharing definition for: - Seminar for joomla!, Billets, WordPress MU, JTAG Presentation for Slidshare
Last Updated on Monday, 21 September 2009 13:27 |